Five Myths About Lawyers
Myth #1: Lawyers are always expensive.
Every lawyer is different. Every area of the legal system is different. However, not all lawyers are expensive.
For instance, some attorneys will work for you on a contingency basis. You only pay if your lawyer wins the case. Thus, the lawyer costs you nothing out of pocket.
Myth #2: Lawyers all have the same knowledge, skills, and abilities.
This is so far from the truth. If you had a wart on your foot, would you go see a cardiologist? I sure hope not. If you have an issue with a real estate transaction, see a real estate attorney.
Car Accident? Personal Injury attorney, preferably Cohen Law Group. Not sure what area of law your issue falls within but you know you need a lawyer? Call The Florida Bar or our office if you need guidance.
Myth #3: You won’t ever need a lawyer. You aren’t a litigious person.
The likelihood that you could have or will benefit from the guidance of a lawyer is very high when dealing with any dispute. Hiring a lawyer isn’t a bad thing. It doesn’t mean there is a disagreement or adversarial parties.
Many people hire an attorney to create trusts, wills, or even to review contracts. When an adoption lawyer helps an infertile couple adopt their first child, everyone is happy!
Myth #4: Once my case is explained to the judge, they will rule in my favor.
Depending on the area of law, cases may go weeks without ever having a hearing in front of a judge. When a judge does hear your case in its beginning stages, the judge is most likely listening to an argument on a very specific issue pertaining to procedural matters.
It is not until the entire discovery process is completed and all the evidence is gathered that the case will be heard in its entirety in front of a judge or a jury.
Myth #5: Lawyers only take on large cases that guarantee them a big payday.
A good lawyer represents their clients to the fullest potential at a big payday. A great lawyer fights to obtain the justice their client deserves.
After all, it’s about justice.
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