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Bully – Harms or Intimidates Weaker

Bully – Noun – A person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker

What one considers to be a simple word, a simple joke, or a simple poke may be perceived by another as offensive and demeaning.  Many young adults receive this type of treatment day in and day out in virtual and physical settings. These types of harassment can lead to drastic behaviors including suicide.

Bullying is a serious problem.

Violence and physical abuse, name calling, humiliation, cyber bullying, and more are all on the rise.  According to ABC News, thirty percent of students are either bullies, or victims of bullying and 160,000 kids stay home everyday because they are too afraid to go to school.

“I remember this one kid in high school,” states a Central Florida resident, “He got picked on a lot, and was called names and pushed around. One bully said he should put a shotgun in his mouth. Well, he did.” This is just one case. There are an alarming number of suicides caused by bullying.

A major cause of bullying for young teens today is due to sexual orientation.

Nine out of ten lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender (LGBT) teens have reported being bullied because of their sexual orientation. LGBT teens are two to three times more likely to commit suicide. Recently there has been a massive surge of videos online called “It Gets Better”.

This campaign was started to help LGBT teens know that life does get better as time goes on. Real life victims, celebrities, and even President Obama have been spokes people for the “It Gets Better” campaign.

There are many organizations that exist today to help bring awareness to, and to help prevent bullying. We have to know that this serious cruelty will not go away easily. It will take a dedicated presence of children and adults to stand up for others.

Stand up for those being bullied!

A recent case in Central Florida had people standing up when others didn’t.  A student was bullied and physically attacked by another student in class, and his teachers did nothing to stop it. Cohen Law Group is representing that student to bring justice to the situation.

Do your part to help stop this crisis. Bystanders have a responsibility to assist victims in a variety of ways, including but not limited to the following:

1) Refuse to watch, laugh, or join in when someone is being bullied

2) Try to include everyone in play, especially those who are often left out

3) Report bullying to an adult

4) Remove victim from bullying situation by inviting him/her to join a different activity with you

5) Distract bully by inviting him/her to join you in a proactive activity

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