When an individual is accused of a crime, they are presumed innocent until proven guilty by admission or found guilty in a court of law. As Orlando criminal defense attorneys at Cohen Law Group, we fully believe in this basic right, and fight to ensure the prosecution adheres to this standard as well.
Facing criminal charges and the thought of loosing your freedom can be a traumatic and difficult period of your life. We provide a voice of reason and the strength of experience in the defense of your criminal charges. Our firm handles criminal defense cases involving:
• DUI Defense • Domestic Violence Defense
• Assault and Battery • Drug Possession & Drug Trafficking
• Bond Hearings • Grand Theft & Burglary
• Blue Collar & White Collar Crimes • Juvenile Crime Defense
• Felony, Misdemeanor, and State Charges • Sexual Crimes
• Criminal Traffic Offenses • Violations of Probation
Cohen Law Group is a law firm which possesses the experience and resources necessary to effectively guide you through each and every aspect of your criminal defense case.
As your Orlando Criminal Defense Attorney, we will listen to your story, inform you of your legal rights, thoroughly investigate and analyze the evidence against you, put the actions of law enforcement under a microscope, determine what the best possible defense would be, and aggressively represent your rights with every legal resource available by law. At Cohen Law Group, we are extremely detailed in our investigation of the facts and evidence of your case, which ensures we always maintain due diligence in our effort to provide each of our criminal defense clients the highest standard of legal representation.
Regarding the defense of your criminal charges, as your Orlando Criminal Defense Attorney, we will fight to ensure your legal rights are protected in an effort to successful resolve your legal situation in the best possible manner, will:
• Negotiate to have your charges dropped or dismissed
• Negotiate to have your charges reduced
• Negotiate for a diversion program (when available)
• Negotiate for probation instead of jail or prison time
• And when a trial is unavoidable, we will aggressively defend your legal rights
If you or a loved one has been accused of a crime, we urge you to be proactive in ensuring your legal rights are protected by contacting an experienced Orlando criminal defense attorney at Cohen Law Group as soon as possible.
While depending upon the specific charges against you, the penalties for a conviction may include:
• Varying terms of jail time or imprisonment
• Hefty monitory fines
• Lengthy terms of probation
• Potential forfeiture of property and assets
• Potential forfeiture of specific basic civil rights
• Community service
• In crimes involving injuries or property damage, legal standing for a civil suit
When accused of a crime, you should never take your legal rights lightly. Your rights are a privilege, and our firm considers it an honor to protect those rights by providing professional legal service you can trust and depend upon. Contact Cohen Law Group today for a free and confidential consultation.