Debating a Trial Court Venue In Florida

Debating a Trial Court Venue In Florida

If you feel that a contracted with party has breached the terms of your agreement, absent specific language in the contract, any trial court in the state has jurisdiction to hear your claim. However, not all of court are “proper” venues. Determining which courts are...
Can My Insurance Company Drop Me?

Can My Insurance Company Drop Me?

A question I am often asked is, can my insurance company drop me? First, we must properly define the terms “dropped” and “nonrenewal”. Oftentimes people use the terms interchangeable- which is incorrect. Nonrenewal is the point where your policy has reached its normal...
How To Get Florida Homestead Protection and How It Protects You

How To Get Florida Homestead Protection and How It Protects You

How can you get it and how does it protect you? Homestead exemptions are incredible laws that protect families living in the state. The concept of homestead exemption derives from public policy, rather than principles of equity. There are three different benefits of...
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