Are The Accident Attorney Ads I See On TV Even Real? You have seen the TV commercials and the billboards from law firms that show people claiming to have made hundreds of thousands of dollars in a car accident case. I’m sure you’ve asked yourself, “Is this real?” Can...
Florida Bad Faith Law – Is Your Insurance Company Acting In Good Faith? The current Florida bad faith law is comprised of both common law and Florida Statute. Under Florida Law, an insurer has a duty to exercise good faith in evaluating and examining the validity of...
A 10-Step Guide To Avoiding The Probation Trap 1. Report to Probation The most important thing you should do while on probation is report to probation and keep regular contact with your probation officer. This sounds like an obvious requirement to probation but many...
Contractors: Is An Insurer Refusing to Pay You Pursuant to an Assignment of Benefits Contract? In Florida, a growing number of contractors, including those who provide emergency mitigation services, use an Assignment of Benefits (AOB) contract. Here’s how an AOB...
What Is An Assignment of Benefits Contract? By Jabari Bennett, Esq. If you’re a Florida homeowner, you’ve probably heard some news about (and maybe even noticed an increase in the discussion surrounding) Assignment of Benefits (AOB) contracts and how they...
Your Florida Auto Insurance Questions Answered As a Florida resident, you may have asked yourself the following questions: 1. What are the minimum requirements for auto insurance in Florida? 2. What auto insurance coverages should I have in Florida? In the confusing...