One of the main changes in the way that legal proceedings have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic is that the majority of legal proceedings now take place online rather than in person. Prior to the pandemic, depositions, hearings, mediations, arbitrations, and jury trials all took place in person. For our client, this means that there were more travel costs associated with the litigation. It also meant if they needed to appear for a legal proceeding they would need to travel to the courthouse or to a court reporter or mediator’s office. 

Despite the restrictions related to the pandemic being lifted, we are seeing a shift in the way that courthouses operate. Although each jurisdiction is different, and each judge can decide whether they would like to hold their proceedings online or in person, we are seeing that the vast majority of judges prefer online proceedings. This is an advantage for us as it also allows us the opportunity to attend multiple proceedings in one day if need be and make the most of our time for our clients. The main type of proceeding that is still typically required to be in person now is a jury trial.

Additionally, depositions and mediations, which are the proceedings most often attended to by our clients are now available by online platforms such as Zoom. This allows our clients to attend out of the comfort of their own homes, and avoid the stress and cost associated with travel. Even for those not well versed in technology, online platforms tend to be easy to navigate, and still the preferred way to attend.

In order for the online experience to be optimal, we advise our clients to use a reliable internet connection, sit in a quiet area free of distractions, and dress and conduct themselves as if the proceeding was in person. 

We anticipate that these changes to the legal profession will be long-lasting, and are glad that we can better serve our clients as a result of these changes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 407-478-4878

Nathalie Eisenstein, ESQ.

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