Making a Claim for I-4 Ultimate Vehicle Damage
By Doug Dorner, Esq.
In 2015, Central Florida began an expansive program to improve its highway system. This program is anticipated to last until at least 2021.
As we all know, with construction comes potential damage to vehicles traveling in those construction zones.
About Filing a Claim
If you are involved in a situation that causes damage to your vehicle that you believe was caused directly by the construction, there are several things you should know about filing your claim.
First, no claim will be paid for damaged associated with weather related damage, damage caused by other vehicles or motorists, or unreported road debris or conditions.
Second, claims can only be filed for damage that occurs in marked construction zones.
Third, there is no fee for filing your claim.
Information To Gather
If you receive damage in a construction zone that is not related to the above disqualifiers, you should immediately obtain the following information:
1. Make note of the exact location on the road that the damage occurred. This can be accomplished by noting the nearest cross street, exit number, mile marker, the direction you were travelling, and the time/date.
2. If safe to do so, take any photos of the highway area that caused the damage and photographs of the damage your vehicle incurred.
3. You should also obtain an estimate for repairs of damage your vehicle incurred.
Submitting a Claim
Once you have the information necessary for your claim, you should fill out and submit for review the Public Incident Reporting Form which you can find by clicking here.
Please make sure to include all your documentation, photographs, and any estimates you have received to repair damage. While this is no guarantee that your claim will be approved, it will give you the best opportunity to receive some type of reimbursement.
As always, if you have any questions, you can give us a call at 407-478-4878.

Doug Dorner, Esq.
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