To Move Over or Not To Move Over

As a driver on Florida’s public roadways, we have all seen the big flashing signs that say “Move Over! It’s The Law”.

Well what exactly is the law? What exactly are you required to do? What if you’re on a 2 lane road and you can’t move over? Who do I have to move over for?

Here’s the deal, any vehicle traveling on the interstate or a roadway with multiple lanes of travel in the same direction MUST vacate the lane closest to the stopped emergency or law enforcement vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so.

If you aren’t able to, then you MUST slow down 20mph BELOW the posted speed limit, unless otherwise directed. If you’re on a two-lane roadway, then you MUST slow down to 20mph BELOW the posted speed limit as well.

What do I do if the speed limit is 20mph or less? The law says you MUST slow down to 5mph.

This law applies to any stopped emergency, law enforcement, sanitation, and utility service vehicles. So that includes fire trucks, ambulances, police cars, road rangers, garbage trucks, utility trucks, and so on.

Failure to move over can result in a moving violation ticket that puts 3 points on your driving record along with a possibly substantial fine. Save yourself a couple hundred dollars and just move over!

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