What You Can & Cannot Be Fired For In Florida

In the state of Florida you can be fired at-will, unless you have a contract that sets out specific protections.

You CAN be fired for:

1. violating any clauses of your employment contract;

2. abusing computer or company privileges;

3. consistent lateness or absences;

4. job performance or execution style;

5. personality conflicts;

6. poor language;

7. lack of qualification;

8. lying;

9. drug use; or

10. no reason at all.

The list of reasons as to why your employer can terminate you goes on and on. On top of that, your employer has the right not to give you a reason as to why they are terminating you.

It is typically more productive to discuss the reasons you cannot be fired by your employer.

An employer CANNOT fire you for:

1. reporting illegal practices such as discrimination, improper wage practices, etc.

2. your race, color, religion, sex, national origin, physical disability, or age (if you’re over 40);

3. choosing to join a union or electing not to join a union;

4. pregnancy (additionally they cannot terminate you simply because the company doesn’t want to pay you for maternity leave); or

5. your refusal to take a polygraph test OR based only on the fact that you failed the polygraph test (this does not mean that they cannot fire you because they have other evidence to back up the polygraph test).

If you have experienced any of these violations, contact Cohen Law Group at (407) 478.4878.

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