Save Your Records!

Save Your Records!

Insurance carriers often try to avoid paying for a covered loss by claiming the damages predated the loss and were caused by misplaced policy exclusions such as wear, tear, deterioration, marring aging, mechanical defects, or other pre-existing issues. To help...
Deep Dive on Insurance Deductibles

Deep Dive on Insurance Deductibles

In almost every homeowner’s insurance contract, there is a deductible that the homeowner is required to pay before insurance proceeds become due and owing. Many times, the amount of the deductible is dependent on whether the claim is a hurricane loss or a...
Tips for Filing an Insurance Claim

Tips for Filing an Insurance Claim

If you have observed damage to your home, you may have considered filing an insurance claim. Here are a few things to be mindful of when beginning this process: 1) When reporting the damage, the sooner the better: It is best practice to report the damage to your...
Selling My Home While Litigiating Against My Insurance Carrier

Selling My Home While Litigiating Against My Insurance Carrier

There have been many times throughout my years of practice that I have been asked the  question: “Can I sell my home while I am actively litigating my claim against my homeowner’s insurance company?” In short, the answer is, yes. However, recent legislative changes...
Do I Need To File a New Claim?

Do I Need To File a New Claim?

If you have already made a claim on your home before, you are likely in one of three different situations that would require reporting the damages to your carrier. It can be confusing at times to know what your next best steps are, which is why it is best to call the...
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